About me

Dario de Judicibus


Born in Brescia, Dario de Judicibus has a Laurea degree in Physics obtained in 1984, and joined IBM in 1986, where he worked as a consultant. He is an expert of problem solving and decision taking methodologies. After a period that he dedicated to researches in software reuse and object-oriented programming, he began to work on knowledge management, being a pioneer in his country. He was invited as a speaker on that subject in various Italian universities and academic institutes.

In 1999 he founded Padri ad Ore (part-time fathers), an association sustaining the Biparentalness Principle, which states that a child has the right to continue to maintain a strong relationship with both parents even if divorced. In 2003 he founded, with other associations, the Italian National Federation for Biparentalness (Fe.N.Bi.), of which he is national councillor. The mission of Fe.N.Bi. is to sustain peer opportunities between parents in divorces, and advocate biparentalness principle.

In 2004 he founded the digital magazine L’Indipendente (ISSN 1824-8950); among his collaborators there are few journalists. In 2007 he founded the official island of IBM Italy in Second Life.


Dario de Judicibus wrote several hundred articles on Italian computer magazines as MC Microcomputer, Internet News and internet.pro. He is also author of two books about Internet, and two essays of psychology. In 2006 he has published his first novel of fantasy: «La Lama Nera» (The Black Blade). In 2007 he has published a short story about Second Life. In 2008 he published a short story in a thriller antology. In 2012 he published his first eBook on Kindle platform: «Delitto Perfetto».

Published books — Novels

  • «Il Passaggio per Ywerddon», I Doni delle Muse, 2014, ISBN 978-88-909656-8-5
  • «La Lama Nera», First volume of the «Cycle of Black Blade», Armenia, 2006, ISBN 88-344-1882-4

Published books — Essays & Manuals

  • «Le 10 Regole per Vivere Felici con un Gatto», Armenia, 2010, ISBN 88-344-2431-5
  • «Le 10 Regole per Vivere Sereni», Armenia, 2005, ISBN 88-344-1803-4
  • «Le 10 Regole dei Buoni Genitori», Armenia, 2003, ISBN 88-344-1505-1
  • «TCP/IP in pillole», Tecniche Nuove, 2002 (1999), ISBN 88-481-1441-5
  • «Imparare XML in 6 ore», Tecniche Nuove, 2000 ISBN 88-481-1098-3

Published short tales

  • «Korrigan Bae», in «Fate – Storie di terra, fuoco, acqua e vento», I Doni Delle Muse, 2014, ISBN 978-88-99167-03-5
  • «L’Ultima Luna dell’Inverno» in «Sangue di Drago», I Doni Delle Muse, 2014, ISBN 978-88-909656-0-9
  • «Delitto Perfetto», 3rd Edition, Amazon Media EU, 2012, ASIN B006UTBS92
  • «Delitto perfetto» in «Nero Lazio», Perrone LAB, 2010, ISBN 978-88-6316-189-2
  • «Scacco matto all’assassino», in antology «GialloScacchi — Racconti di sangue e di mistero», Ediscere, 2008, ISBN 88-88928-33-2
  • «Fino alla fine dell’eternità» (Till the end of eternity), Creative Commons 3.0


Dario de Judicibus is also co-author of Old Italics block in The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 with Deborah Anderson, Carl-Martin Bunz, Joseph Eska, Stefan Schumacher, Brent Vine, and Rex Wallace. He is also the Italian member of the Dictionary Team, a no-profit group of worldwide volunteers that develops and distributes free dictionaries in the web. In the Italian site there are more than 90 downloadable free dictionaries.

Photography & Poetry